Proposed Referendum by Which to Temporarily Contain the Terror and Tyranny to Which American Citizens are now being so Unjustly Subjected so as to Facilitate its Eventual Defeat and the Correlative Liberation of Christ’s Littlest Ones (cf Mk 10:14, Lk 18:16 et al).
the presumption that Bob Schulz &
WTP, et al are going to continue to attack the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the
income tax scam, and the need for the creation of a non-counterfeit national monetary policy, this proposed referendum would include only
the implementations that we would need to ensure that we (anyone
in whom there is so much as a streak of
non-capitulation along with all those whom the Puppeteers would
eliminate - were they now already in the position to accomplish the objective -
for not being capable of producing enough of something the Puppeteers value for
the Puppeteers to consider them of enough
economic utility that their existence would not be considered an
unacceptable net burden upon their pagan mother-goddess earth) do not
end up in the concentration camps or otherwise as corpuses in mass graves.
– if there is one iota of exaggeration or embellishment, indeed so much as even
a single smidgeon of so much as an
inflection of anything that is unfair to anyone, especially anyone employed by
the government in this proposal, let such be brought to the attention of the author at either address included supra
and observations, and/or suggestions
will be taken under advisement with
corrections implemented without delay, as it is certainly not the case
that this country can afford to lose so much as one conscientious and
acceptably accountable government employee and the efforts of those who can still see how hateful to God
this country has become cannot remain unacknowledged or for that matter unrewarded, lest we lose what little is left
of government integrity and accountability in this country or render ourselves
deserving to be classified amongst the number of the ingrates who are not grateful for the efforts of what is now
the few to hold back, to the extent to which such objective can be accomplished, the encroachment and
proliferation of the Reign of Terror. As adamantly opposed as the author of this proposal must necessarily be to corruption and criminality
from whatever source it originates, he also admits that there are no small
number of individuals employed by the
govt in various capacities who would be
or at least ought to be sorely missed, were they to leave govt
employment. Some have to go, some have to be kept from leaving – another
of the innumerable paradoxes that
characterize the human predicament, in
the sphere of the mattes considered in
this humble document.
1. Immediate removal of all foreign troops from U.S. soil.
2. Immediate destruction (not just closing) of all FEMA Detention Centers.
3. Immediate disarming
of all domestic law enforcement
personnel (not to extend to anyone's
2nd Amendment Right to provide for his own self-protection via the
ownership and/or use of firearms while
not on-duty), unless and until in each respective, individual case, a
sufficiently substantial commitment to
oppose the Reign of Terror by
all legitimate means and to protect the Demonstratively Noncounterfeit Rule of
Law would have been demonstrated, in which case any person demonstrating such
threshold level commitment could be rearmed. The author of this proposed referendum knows no other way
to ensure the prevention of the
complete enslavement of the people
of America and the world (with the
forcible elimination of 90% of the world’s population to follow if the Globalist Slave Keepers get their way)
other than the disarming of all
domestic law enforcement entities according to the criteria enumerated supra,
and the elimination of any and all
restrictions on the right to keep and bear
and in situations in which there is no other realistic alternative by
which to prevent and/or repel unjust aggression and violence, to use, arms;
which in fact as Alan Keyes has so convincingly argued ( is in fact not just a right but in fact a duty
of citizenship, in any scenario and/or
arrangement in which any such type restriction would leave law abiding U.S.
citizens at a disadvantage of strike capacity in the scenario in which any
armed entity from whatever source and under whatever auspices or pretext would
endeavor to forcibly deny any U.S. citizen the exercise of any morally established, constitutionally
protected, liberty.
3.(a) The enactment
of legislation that would require the
term “unilateral disarmament” to be applied in any government sponsored forum
in which the pseudonym of “gun control”
would be utilized, in conjunction with the utilization of the term “gun control” since in essence the
unilateral disarmament of the citizenry
is the actual objective that anti-Second Amendment cabal is endeavoring to
accomplish in getting the guns out of
the hands of American citizens, which would of course leave the government at various levels with a monopoly on
the use of force, which would then make
possible the mass liquidation of all
non-capitulators according to the same type of agenda which has been employed
so successfully by history’s most prolific mass murderers, such as Stalin,
Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam et al, and usher in an age of total
enslavement and barbarism – the literal hell on earth which Alex Jones and
others have so graphically depicted as the future of this country and world in the scenario in which guns, cash and
non-prison industry manufacturing jobs are completely or at least at a certain
threshold level beyond where the situation is now, eliminated, from the society in which this proposal has been
4. Immediate recovery of all national park lands and other lands bequeathed to the United Nations back to the U.S.
5. Immediate repeal of all bans on concealed and assault weapons so that the country can be brought back to a parity of weaponry between the govt and the citizenry, such as has been the condition in those times and places in which men were most liberated from tyranny and terror – the worst of which of course has always been perpetrated by leaders of governments against any and all of whatever group would dare to challenge the type of usurpations and arrogations of authority to which American citizens are now subjected on a daily basis, throughout this country.
6. (For Illinois) - renaming of what is now called the "Land of Lincoln" to the "Land of Terror" with reptiles the likes of Gov. Blasphemous, Rule of Law-Bludgeoning, Blago, Att. Gen. Sleasa the Throatslitter (arrest and incarcerate all the baby rescuers), Malfeasor for the Massa Damnata, Madigan and so many members of the “Judasized judiciary” – ie the nonatypical judges in IL {as distinct from the atypical judges, such as Judge McDunn et al (cf., downlink to Chapter 10) {notwithstanding the meritorious and in fact, edifying, conduct, of a number of Illinois Judges, and even in a few cases, Federal Judges in IL, without whose conduct, the situation in Illinois would be even a thousand times worse than it is - if that is even a metaphysically tenable possibility, given how bad conditions are now, and which conduct the people of the state can ill afford to lose - as a whole, the author of this proposal does not apprehend, based upon the competent evidence probative in regard to the matter contained in this paragraph, how the group as a whole could possibly be labeled as anything incompatible with the appellation included supra, because for the nonatypical judge in IL both state and federal courts, it is evidently of no concern whether or not his or her conduct is morally justified or not and thus nothing other than the prospect of economic loss or the encountering of the utilization of physical force in response to the type of malefactions and crimes at any juncture committed by the Orwellian Famhouse Pigs (“OFP”)s (ie the non-atypical judge) is in place to deter the commission of the type of malefactions and crimes which are daily committed by the OFPs against the “goyim” – anyone in any way skeptical regarding the evidence that supports this claim, ought spend a day or even an hour in the courtroom of a Mary Mulhern, a Kathleen McGury, a J. McCarthy, an R. Reyna, an A. Goldberg, a W. Williams, or a J. Jordzak amongst the plethora of OFPs working iniquity in the State Court System, or over at the federal reptile house, an R. Pallmeyer, a J. Gottschall or an A. Keys or some of the other distinguished (by demonstrations of a distinctively - for one reason or another - conspicuous commitment to cruelty, sadism and/or just standard garden variety oppression, heavy-handedness and insolent, insubordinate, abusiveness) damage-inflicting, social order-devastating, degenerate despots throwing their weight around over there or examine a pro se appeal or two in the either the local State or Federal Appellate Courts of Iniquity and try to find a single case in which a party apprehended to be the more favorably financially and politically positioned party in a given dispute, was required to discharge a burden of persuasion, or a burden of production or even a burden of pleading}, with oxymoronic “pro-choice”/”rule of law” S. Ct. Injustice Mary Ann McMorrow heading the minions of massa damnata members of govt at all levels. How McMorrow would justify excluding for example, Hitler or Stalin, from the number who could claim to be champions of The Rule of Law, under her definition thereof is a problem that this author has not yet been able to solve. For those who need to assess the evidence in this regard for themselves before they will believe them; the cases of Richmond v Sheahan {270 F. 3d 430 (Judge Bauer, in dissent, opines that handicapped man’s life cannot compare in importance to the priority of need for “protocol” in courts – evidently, the type of protocol that ensures that members of the slave classes cannot pierce the veil and prevent government from defrauding them of constitutionally protected liberty and property interests, such as for example due process of law)} and In re C.M.A. {306 Ill. App. 3d 1061) (pestiferous cretins (hoping this is not so lenient a description, given the abominations at issue, as to render its user deserving of eternal punishment for not exposing iniquity workers for what they are) Zwick, Quinn and Campbell can conceive of no “higher purpose” to judicial proceedings than that of facilitating the sexual molestation and correlative spiritual, moral and physical destruction of innocent defenseless infants by categorically depraved predator lesbians and are appalled that Judge S. McDunn would not disregard the duty of care she owed the infants and the public, not to mention the Ultimate Judge Himself, by not capitulating to the objectively unconscionable demands of the reprehensible reptiles endeavoring to essentially kidnap and enslave these littlest ones of Christ in what could only be considered to be a living hell on earth – life, if it can be called that and not death, in the den of iniquity of two reprobates conducting activity under that punishment to which reference is commonly made as the Romans One Curse (Rom. 1:27-37))} provide some insight into the depths of malice and depravity at which court business in Northern Illinois at this juncture in the descent of Amerika into total barbarism, is conducted in the nonatypical case, while the local U.S. Attorney continues to fatten up and keep his enormous office fed on those ominous threats to civilization as we know it – Scott Falwell and R. Stanley – paper shredders everywhere better be careful, because while the present U.S. Attorney for Northern IL, like his predecessors, will evidently maintain willful blindness, howsoever reprehensible and correlatively morally culpable it might be, to any crimes committed by the OFPs against any member of the goyim, howsoever serious they might be, paper shredding, howsoever comparatively inconsequential, conducted by comparatively harmless lackeys, simply will not be tolerated. In Illinois, as in most everywhere else in this Godforsaken country at this juncture, the Orwellian Farmhouse Pigs (“OFP”s) are making life for the Rest of the Specimens on the Farm (“RSF”s) (cf Orwell, G. Animal Farm 1945) a master class-slave class arrangement and are evidently simply pricing any alternatives by which to rectify the plethora of presently prevailing injustices other than vigilantism and/or full scale domestic insurrection, out of the market. If there is anyone who might be inclined to wonder why in Genesis 6:6, it is written that: “Yahweh regretted having made man on the earth and his heart grieved,” it certainly would not be necessary to look any further than the non-atypical Illinois Court or for that matter the Governor or Attorney General’s office, or for that matter the vast majority of the other governmental, corporate and legal offices in Illinois {Senator Derelict Durbin, Mayor Despicable Daley, CCSA Deviant Degenerate Dickey Devine, State Sen J. Cutthroat Cullerton, 7th Cir. C.A.Judges Reprobate Richy. Posner and Despotic Di, Di.. Wood (almost a snapshot cross -sampling of examples of some of the most cowardly, selfish, self-exalting and arrogant imbeciles to have plagued this post-fall, and expulsion-from-the-garden, earth, since the experiment in human freedom was incepted by His Majesty on that momentous sixth day (cf Gen. 1:31)) are just a few of the blights on the local landscape at this juncture in this country’s downward descent into total depravity – acknowledging of course, that of, all of these specimens and all of the abominable activity of each of them, are divinely permitted punishments for sins, and for those of us not altogether innocent of grave sin from baptism, thoroughly deserved, punishments, howsoever distressful they are to have to bear} to see the type of “hearts that “fashion nothing wickedness all day long,” (Gen. 6:5) and how now as then, “ the earth is corrupt in God’s sight and filled with violence,” (Gen. 6:12) to understand Yahweh’s regrets in this regard. Notwithstanding the nonsuperabundance, to understate the case, of qualities such as nobility, valor, gallantry, chivalry, abhorrence of unstalwartlikeness, or even, for that matter, simple garden variety decency in the population of the RSFs at this juncture in the regression of civilization back into barbarism (ie the types of dispositions that would result in burden-bearers bringing an end to the violence, oppression and criminality of any particular collection of OFP’s and liberating themselves and the innocents from the bondage and slavery of such violence, oppression and criminality simply because of the incompatibility of the presently prevailing arrangement with the classical Camelot motif), it is simply evidently the case, that there are so many gored oxes on the farm, at this juncture and such an extent of self-aggrandizement and ostentation, by the OFPs, and exploitation by the OFPs of the RSFs, and inequity amongst the groups, that once a reasonably respectable insurrection got started, which would not take more than a handful or even less, of RSFs to initiate; it would seem that it would be impossible for the OFP’s to contain, much less subdue, the groundswell of public support that would come to the aid of the liberators against the enslavers and the despicable minions, who in such type lamentable scenario, would choose to defend the existing iniquitous status quo, rather than collaborating with the liberators to eliminate it. Indeed once the masses of dumbed-down, deceived into a false dependency, RSFs, would be brought to realize the extent to which they have been abused and defrauded (None is so terribly enslaved as he who falsely believes that he is free von Goethe) and the seriousness of the entities in issue, not the least of which, of course, being the prospect of ending up either exterminated or in conditions akin to those presently extant in Chinese slave labor camps as the only real alternatives to joining such a conjectural liberation effort, it would seem inevitable that the sheer numbers of RSFs would be far too great a force for the OFPs to stave off and keep enslaved.
7. Immediate repeal of the so-called Patriot (Punish All Treason Resisters & Instigators of Opposition to Terror) Act.
8. A non-counterfeit investigation into the events of 9/11/01, Ok City and WTC 1.
9. The immediate withdrawal of the U.S. from the abomination of the United Nations.
10. Elimination of all unmonitored government activity
To the objection that the monitoring of all government activity would be, at present, unaffordable; the short response, is no, that it is unmonitored government activity that is unaffordable. This issue like that of every other issue, is all a matter of priorities. The solution to the problem would be simply to eliminate all government activity in regard to which the claim would be made that the monitoring thereof would be unaffordable. (Personally, the author of this proposal admits he cannot, except in the atypical case, find, in the balance, much good to say about any government activity in regard to which he is cognizant, and at this juncture he must opine that it would be difficult, if not impossible - considering the whole of govt activity in regard to which he is cognizant; if the choice were between the presently prevailing conditions and an elimination of all government activity altogether, to not choose the latter, as this seems to be the only choice that the competent evidence in regard to which such author is cognizant, would morally permit in the scenario postulated, as there just is not enough government activity that has been conducted at anywhere near enough to what can be identified to constitute a break-even threshold to justify the expenditures needed to keep the voracious and rapacious beast fed – indeed, except for the activity of atypical govt entities at this juncture, most govt activity in regard to which this author is cognizant, renders the entities responsible therefore in need of being classified in among other appropriate categories, those including that in which are included those of public nuisances, fiscal sink-holes, national security problems, parlors of parasitism, engines of iniquity and oppression, cesspools of depravity and malice and menaces to all that is not totally degenerate at this juncture in history). Anyone who can consider Ruby Ridge, Waco, WTC I, Ok City, WTCII and all of the events of 9/11/01, not to mention all the major historical events that have occurred over the past two hundred years, and claim that unmonitored government activity is a tenable proposition is either one of the villains in the present warfare for control of this country and world , or is insane, mentally incompetent, or a combination two or all three, of the three.
11. The
decriminalization of vigilantism. - the
immediate enactment of legislation to bring the criminal code(s) and criminal
prosecution system(s) in place in the
nation and in every state and municipality within it, into an arrangement,
given the present conditions of the
court system(s) in place throughout the country at this juncture (which is
on the whole and except in the atypical
case(s), based upon the competent evidence available with which to assess the
present situation, evidently somewhere between abysmal and appalling, and
between atrocious and abominable – evidence in support of such claim, is
available upon request, but a truck line or rather, the whole transportation
industry, might be needed to transport all of
the evidence in support of such claim that is presently in existence),
that would be compatible with the requirements of God’s moral law. Practically, this would mean the enactment of
legislation to prevent the interference
by any government entity, conducting its activity under the color of
law and behind the pretext of legitimacy, in any manner, form or way, with activities and conduct conducted
and/or implemented by members of the
oppressed classes {ie the burden-bearing common citizens who cannot, except on
a contingency basis, in, for example, a personal injury suit, afford a
bar-attorney who has enough political influence to obtain a resolution of a dispute on its merits or otherwise obtain
an acceptable outcome to a dispute (not to imply that the ends ever justify
the means, which they cannot), amidst the conditions presently existing in
the non-atypical court setting, in which deep-pocketed criminal tortfeasors use
pestiferous and convictionless chameleon attorneys and judges to ensure that no burden-bearer – ie
net productive and contributing,
citizen - who is a member of
any of the oppressed classes – ie the classes in which are not contained specimens such as lawyers,
judges, corporate moguls and celebrities (with of course, the illuminati
banker-puppeteers at the very top of
the Luciferian pyramid) and the
mercenaries, sycophants and quislings (ie the rather red than dead, as long
as I have my chicken feed, who cares about what happens around me or about what
share of the blame for what is
happening in a given case will eventually, on judgment day, be laid at my feet,
Rolph-tories, in clerical
and law enforcement positions), whom the oppressors presume will
cooperate in the maintenance of the
Reign of Terror arrangement presently in place as the status quo in this
God-forsaken country, and whom the puppeteers and slave masters thus, to some
extent, protect and accommodate – can ever get a dispute resolved on its
merits} that given the conditions prevalent in the non-atypical court in this
country would constitute vigilantism and would have been in a given case,
necessitated by the presently existing condition in the non-atypical court
setting in which the concept of justice is defined as “just us”. In other words, legislation that
would prevent the members of the
oppressor class from using and from
continuing to use the presently existing criminal code(s) and criminal
prosecution system(s) for the unjustified
financial and political benefit of the
oppressors to the great injury of the
common, oppressed burden-bearers, must
be enacted so as to render the domestic insurrection that is becoming an ever
more likely, if not indeed inevitable, development, unnecessary. If the
criminal codes and prosecution systems were modified so that conduct that would
constitute non-counterfeit (ie conduct necessitated by the combination of the conditions existing in non-atypical court system(s), the corruption and criminality of non-atypical corporate and government
entities and the individuals conducting activity therein and of the non-atypical attorneys who represent
such entities and specimens in the presently prevailing Reign of Terror)
vigilantism could never be punished; then the burden-bearers in the oppressed
class(es) could settle scores and rectify injustices without having to be
subjected to the abuses, duty-breaches and crimes to which such type persons
and parties are now subjected in court system(s) in place in this country when
such persons participate in court proceedings in endeavoring to obtain
redress of grievances, against and rectification of injustices committed against them, by,
financially and politically more favorably positioned entities; and such
protagonist persons and parties would neither be left without the benefit of
the deterrent effect that the prospect of
the utilization of physical force always has and still does and always
will, provide, in situations in which such prospect has been, is and/or would
be present, to deter unjust aggression
and violence the likes of which the
prospect of being able to corrupt court
proceedings and prevent disputes from being resolved upon their merits
according to constitutionally established principles and standards, now causes
to induce deep-pocketed tortfeasors to perpetrate, nor without the means to
exact the consideration of what at
least would constitute retributive
justice, in every case, and of commutative justice in many other cases as
well. It is a claim incontrovertible in validity that few arrangements benefit society more than conditions in
which the scales of justice are balanced or at least in which there is
provision for their being made to balance; just as few arrangements damage it
more than conditions in which the scales of justice remain unbalanced
and in which there is no realistic prospect for their being made to balance
without recourse to the use of physical force{anyone who disputes this claim
ought to read, just for one example among so many suchlike examples which human
history provides, the history of France
during the reign of King St. Louis IX (“In any dispute between the rich and the
poor, always side with the poor against the rich until the truth is known” – letter
to his son) and the subsequent history of
France during the reigns of a number of
his corrupt successor, leading right up to the French Revolution which,
of course, the arrogance of the
aristocracy precipitated}. The presently existing “Let them eat cake”
arrangement of conditions in the united states of America is intolerable, cries out to heaven for
justice and must be rectified if not by nonforceful means, then by the minimal
force necessary to eliminate the injustices present, since conditions as they
now exist are not only something not
better than slavery, they are not
something other than slavery, for the
burden-bearing common people. As matters now stand, forbearance from the use
of force by the burden-bearing members of
this society who still constitute not only all of what is left of
the heart and soul and backbone of
this country, but its only redeeming feature (other than the children who have not yet reached the
age of reason and who thus necessarily
have retained their innocence, who must
also be counted as a redeeming feature of
the moral cesspool of a slave camp that is the abomination of modern “Amerika”) as well, to correct unacceptable conditions, rectify
injustices and prevent the perpetration of
violence and criminality,
especially by the puppeteers and their puppet-oppressors; so far from resulting
in a benefit to such burden-bearers and society at large, in fact has evidently
only served and does continue to only
serve to elicit more abuse, violence, and criminality from the
puppeteers and the rest of the
collection of specimens that constitutes the oppressor class. Indeed, at
present, the burden-bearers and the innocent children are only getting the
worst of all possible arrangements in
response to the burden-bearer’s continued non-utilization of what would constitute the minimal force
necessary in a given situation to deter
and or correct the consequences of the
abuses, violence and criminality that the members of the oppressor class have come to presume that they can continue
to inflict with impunity. Verily, there comes a time at which the continued non-utilization of physical force by able-bodied burden bearers
in opposition to malice, iniquity, violence and criminality, which at some juncture or other may have in fact constituted meritorious
forbearance of the abuses, violence and criminality
perpetrated by the members of the oppressor class against the oppressed;
becomes a reprehensible, shameful, appallingly offensive and morally unacceptable and untenable approach to the problem; indeed an
approach which cheats and defrauds innocent children and the members
of future generations of the
consideration due them from able-bodied adults. At a certain juncture, the
Orwellian Animal Farmhouse Pigs must be removed from that Farmhouse (the
juncture at which it can justifiably be concluded that further utilization
of nonforceful means to accomplish the
objective will not result in the rectification and elimination of injustices perpetrated and present) via the
minimal force necessary to accomplish the objective under the pain of the incurrment of grave sin for refusing to do so, imputable to the able-bodied who
would refuse to do so in a given scenario, according to the indisputable axiom:
Qui parcit nocentibus, punit innocentes.
11.a For starters, it is unconscionable for burden-bearers to not be permittedto/to be prohibited from investigate(ing), charge(ing), prosecute(ing) and impose(ing) appropriate punishment upon conviction for the crimes committed against them by government and corporate entities and the lawyers who do their bidding, since no law enforcement entity with which the author of this composition is familiar (excepting atypical cases such as for example the Northfield IL Police, the Manitowac WI Police, Det. J Luscero of the C.P.D. and other suchlike atypical cases) is willing to be bothered with anything other than politically and financially profitable exercises of authority (which of course often results in the commission of the types of crimes and torts against burden-bearers that keep the civil rights attorneys in places like Chicago in the collection of individuals who receive over a million dollars a year in compensation. (As the question queries: How many families can the “work” of a typical Chicago Police Officer feed? None honestly, since the typical CPD Officer is a pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, parasite who performs no honest service, but several families in total - those of them whose constitutionally protected rights he or she violates who file civil rights lawsuits that end up getting adjudicated in a courtroom other than those of the many federal judges in the Northern District of IL who conduct their activity according to the “ ‘Let them eat cake’ Orwellian Farmhouse Pig” approach to such adjudications so pervasively employed in courts in this country in these days, those of the sychophant defense attorneys who endeavor to lie and defraud the “under the color of law criminals” CPD defendants in the civil rights suits out of responsibility for the criminal and tortuous transgressions they commit (the darlings at Ancel, Clink…, Zinder, and various other viper dens in the area), those of the civil rights attorneys who prove the criminality and tort liability of the CPD and those of the court personnel who are kept employed by the proceedings in which the injustices perpetrated are either successfully or unsuccessfully adjudicated).
12. Enactment of a Hatfields & McCoys or Auschwitz & Buchenwald Amendment. So as to more effectively keep before the eyes of the public the ultimate consequences of the alternatives in the Anarchy – Camelot -Totalitarianism Spectrum, the passage of a bill which would demonstrate via the provision of anecdotal and other evidence that while the mythical Camelot would be the ideal political-economic-social model, that between the alternatives of the ultimate worst-case scenario of anarchy on the one hand - ie a Hatfields v McCoys environment and totalitarianism on the other – ie the German extermination camps, that the latter is incomparably more horrendous than the former and that if government policy must be established to prevent the greater of evils, that government must be distrusted and that whatever it takes to prevent a reversion to the Hitlerian, Stalinist and Maoist purges must be implemented as no one other than a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao (or the Satan-worshipping banking cartel members who now invisibly or at least behind the scenes, run this country) could seriously claim that the ultimate result of totalitarianism is not incomparably worse than the ultimate result of anarchy and that thus when in doubt about the trade-offs and opportunity costs of proposed govt. policies that everything necessary to prevent the govt from exercising too much authority and power, at the expense of the citizens liberty to keep govt activity within acceptable bounds, must be done.
13. Legislation establishing a presumption of illegitimacy against court orders, warrants and criminal summones issued against and/or served upon citizens who will have been placed on a list of non-capitulators to be maintained at various govt. entities and online, so that in cases involving any interaction with any law enforcement entity and such persons (excepting possible instances in which such type person would have been suspected to have committed a felony with a deadly weapon), no arrests or detentions would be imposed unless and until a given non-capitulator would have been accorded an opportunity in a given case to go before a magistrate or judge and explain whatever conduct would have resulted in the issuance of any of the types of documents enumerated supra. (This measure would save the public immensely in civil rights damages and legal fees, as non-capitulators are so frequently unjustifiably and illegally
arrested and imprisoned and they invariably sue and are in a position to prevail even inspite of the corrupt and criminal conditions of the court systems). After the Six Day (10/15-10/21/03) False Imprisonment, Torture and Attempted Murder of Teresa Schiavo Atrocity, it ought be formally declared that all those who made substantial sacrifices in endeavors ordered to the accompishment of the rescue of Teresa, ought have their names on the type of list to which reference has been included herein supra.
14. Out of the
horrific six day Schiavo ordeal to which reference has been included supra,
must come the formal declaration of standards according to which persons
situated in the position of each
government actor who acted in this matter must comport their respective
activity(ies) in order to prevent the incurrment of criminal and tort liability in situations such as this. To begin
with, legislatures everywhere must formally acknowledge and declare that the
Constitution of the U.S. is an
iron-clad contract in writing which
must be liberally interpreted in the favor of
the non-preparer – ie the citizen, for the protection of rights and property (cf. 2nd Am
Jur Const. Law, 58); and that no individual acting under the color of law or any pretext or appearance of legitimacy conferred by the exercising
of authority alleged to correspond to
the holding of a given government office can ever implement any measure, the
implementation of which will
foreseeably result in the incurment of
some substantial prejudice, damages and/or harm to a citizen, except in
the situation in which the government actor’s claim to so act, is clear and
free from and reasonable doubt.
(Defined in the alternative, such formal declaration must promulgate that a government actor is obliged to refrain from acting, until he or she possesses a claim to act that is clear and free from doubt and that in a case in which the presumption of legitimacy of an order is raised by the party prospectively subject to prejudice, damages and/or harm from the enforcement of directives contained therein, the government actor must do what must be done to reach certitude that the enforcement of such type directive would be lawful before proceeding to implement any enforcement measure).
15. The institution of whatever measures need be instituted to accomplish the deputization of certain persons, whose deputization would evidently be not only justified in the circumstances in which the country now finds itself, but whose deputizations are, at this juncture, for reasons more thoroughly set forth in the website of the DNRCPN (, incontrovertibly, necessary, if avertable disasters, the likes of which have repeatedly afflicted human history in cases in which there has not been a significantly extensive fear of God in the population and/or parity of weaponry between the government and the citizenry in a given body politic (cf. J.L Malcolm, ___, Harvard Law Review ____) to deter the types of violence and criminality to which burden-bearing citizens are now regularly subject at such an alarming and disturbing rate at the hands of the members of the oppressor class.
16. The institution via legislative enactment of an acknowledgement by various legislative bodies that the non-counterfeit burden/standard of care according to which able-bodied citizens must conduct their activity when dealing with financially and politically more favorably positioned parties (above all the government at various levels) is that in regard to any petition for relief which any able-bodied citizen ever submits to any private or public entity, that there are only four alternatives which such citizen possesses the authority to accept without himself incurring culpability for the errors, malefactions, sins and crimes committed by another person or party in the case in which such citizen would ultimately, even after not having received an acceptable resolution of a given petition for the redress of a given grievance, continue to refrain from using what in a given case could be identified to constitute the minimal force necessary to rectify a given injustice; which alternatives are: a.) the granting of the relief sought, b.) a denial of the relief sought accompanied by an explanation which explains the legitimacy of such conjectural denial, providing both findings of fact and conclusions of law in regard thereto, c.) an explanation explaining how any disposition of a petition for relief according to any approach or method other than a.) or b.) supra would be compatible with the requirements, including prescriptions, liberties and proscriptions, explicitly stated and/or implicitly present in Title 18 of the U.S. Code, the provisions of the criminal law in the State of Illinois, the provisions of the constitutions of the State of IL and of the U.S. of A., the common law tradition and beyond that the moral law from which such provisions orginally emanate, or d.) some other non-counterfeit alternative, demonstratively not incompatible with the Non-counterfeit Rule of Law Standard (cf, which alternative has not been enumerated herein. In other words such type legislative enactment would acknowledge that the able-bodied do not possess the authority to accept any disposition of any petition for the redress of any grievance that does not provide what can be identified to constitute adequate and acceptable consideration in the conditions present in a given scenario, without resorting to the utilization of the minimal force that in a conjectural scenario could ensure that such type and measure of consideration would not be left unprovided or to phrase the matter alternatively, that the scales of justice in a given case would not be left unbalanced.
17. That various legislative entities issue declarations acknowledging that without the implementation of most if not all of the measures enumerated supra, that the alternative of compliance with civil laws and court orders, is in large measure (the obligation to stop a vehicle at almost all red lights and other suchlike duties will continue to bind consciences howsoever bad conditions become), for the burden-bearing citizens who constitute what is left of the conscience of America, being priced right out of the market.
18. The elimination of every picture of smiling judges or for that matter any govt. official(s) as the activity of so many judges and other govt officials at this juncture, has been causing and is causing so much pain, affliction and distress in people’s lives, that pictures with smiling officials, especially judges and prosecutors, are like salt poured into the wounds caused by their injustices – those smiles sting and they incite not only justified opposition – including the commitment to use whatever morally legitimate force would be necessary and correlatively justified in a given case to overturn injustice(s), but also, incite amongst the non-God-fearing, violence (the unjustified use of force) in retaliation for the injustices perpetrated by the smilers, many of whom are in fact not just laughing about the fact that they are collecting a compensation and benefit package without having to earn it, but whom are genuinely sadistic specimens (much of the judicial conduct at issue simply cannot be imputed to the nonatypical prevailing motif of contemporary judicial conduct of not recognizing that any duty of care is owed to common burden-bearing citizens, rather many of these judges find a perverse gratification in inflicting pain upon those evidently less favorably positioned so long as they can get away with it with impunity).
19. Amendment of 18 USC 2381 – 2385 so as to explicitly exclude measures implemented by American citizens to prevent the enslavement and/or extermination of American citizens (or anyone else for that matter) by the government under or for that matter not under the direction of the Globalists, from prosecution under any of such statutes. One possible example of how this statute could be amended would be via among other additions, this one: No endeavor undertaken or measure implemented for purpose of emancipating America from the control of the international banking cartel and/or any entity working with any members thereof shall be subject to prosecution under any of the statutes promulgated under 18 USC 2381-2385.
20. Amendment of 18 USC 2381-2385 to include the subjection to prosecution of all activities enumerated in those statutes which are conducted without manifest utilization of force and/or violence and/or the acknowledgement of the source from which such force or violence would have emanated so as to bring the activity of the treason-committing subversives who have been destroying this country for so long into the reach of those laws.
With just the implementation of these few measures, most importantly #'s 1-5 (maybe # 10 is actually the most important of all), the teeth can largely be pulled on the terror, the flames of the fire-breathing dragon can be doused and America can at least be liberated from the imminent prospect of the forced enslavement and elimination of all of her "not-rather-red-than-dead" citizens.
The FEMA red and blue listers would be out from under the guillotine, at least until the Globalists would respond with some other counter-offensive. To those who continue to take for granted what is left of the liberties purchased for the citizens of this country at such a prohibitive price, and who still refuse to read the proverbial "writing on (and indeed, all over) the wall" in regard to the imminence and extent of the threat of the Globalist Takeover, this must be emphasized: "Whether you realize it or not, your freedom is still being paid for by the sacrifices, vigilance and militancy of that group of citizens that continues to prepare for the worst - and it is evidently incontrovertably the case that if not for the grace of God, the ceaseless exclamations and expositions of the work of the Illuminati Globalists by the Alex Jone's and suchlike sentinels and the fact that there are still 140 million gun owners in America and enough individuals within that group that will not hesitate to use whatever minimal measure of force is necessary to defeat the attemped takeover or at least risk losing the life that ends at death in whatever conflicts would result from a refusal to permit the takeover to be perpetrated without opposition; that it is evidently the case that most of you would have been 'escorted' to the concentration camps or mass graves, some time ago." "Wake up America, a cage is being built around you and those who have eyes to see it can readily see the ambush in which the country is presently imperiled and the measures that need to be implemented to liberate this country from the total enslavement, dehumanizaton and barbarism - a veritable 'living hell on earth' that a successful Globalist Takeover would entail. Each one must decide for himself if such decision has not already been made in a given case, whether he will side with the “Let them eat cake", Luciferian Agenda, Advocating Orwellian Farmhouse Pigs or the Fiat justicia, ruat caelum! (“Let justice be done though the heavens fall!”) liberators as matters are coming to a point at which there will be no acknowledgement of any middle position by any of the liberators. On the contrary, those not with the agenda of liberation (acknowledging the legitimacy of the alternative of intra-entity covert sabotage of the Reign of Terror Agenda) will be presumed to be with, at some measure or another, the agenda of Lucifer, and will have to be for the sake of the accomplishment of the prevention of the greater evil, treated accordingly.
(The non-inclusion in this referendum of any treatment of the absolute necessity of immediately re-criminalizing the production, distribution and sale of pornography, abortion and sodomy of any and every sort, respectively, ought not be construed to constitute a placement of those matters explicitly addressed herein above these three crucial sine qua nons for the recovery and reestablishment of anything remotely resembling Christendom. Explanations of the need to re-criminalize these three social order destroying evils can be found in various places in the website of the DNRCPN at
(Defined in the alternative, such formal declaration must promulgate that a government actor is obliged to refrain from acting, until he or she possesses a claim to act that is clear and free from doubt and that in a case in which the presumption of legitimacy of an order is raised by the party prospectively subject to prejudice, damages and/or harm from the enforcement of directives contained therein, the government actor must do what must be done to reach certitude that the enforcement of such type directive would be lawful before proceeding to implement any enforcement measure).
Recommended Types of Non-violent Bounty Proposals to be Added
RJM Addendums of 11/26/03 21. Making a condition of the acceptance and holding of a judicial office that no judicial officer can attend dinners, banquets nor other suchlike social functions, so that the damage, harm, affliction and grief that is perpetrated upon society’s burden bearers by a non-atypical judge still on the bench and conducting activity at this juncture in history, does not give rise to the comparative enormity of resentment and bitterness which it has to this juncture caused in the victims of the many judicial abuses and crimes committed.
.22. Imposition of a moratorium for judges teaching at law schools so that law students are not taught to become even more criminal and cannibalistic than the majority already are and that society is to as substantial a measure as such objective can be accomplished, protected from the teaching of malice and criminality to those who would then put what would have been learned from judicial criminals into practice, which of course would only contribute to the exacerbation of the types of problems now afflicting society.